Cheltuiește O AVERE pe haine și vacanțe, parcurge drumul Londra-Moscova doar PENTRU A SE TUNDE și cu toate acestea NU SE CONSIDERĂ O RĂSFĂȚATĂ. Cine este tânăra! (GALERIE FOTO)

Cheltuiește O AVERE pe haine și vacanțe, parcurge drumul Londra-Moscova doar PENTRU A SE TUNDE și cu toate acestea NU SE CONSIDERĂ O RĂSFĂȚATĂ. Cine este tânăra! (GALERIE FOTO)

Are doar 23 de ani și cheltuie 200.000 de lire sterline pe an doar pe haine, 30.000 de lire sterline pe operaţii estetice, iar atunci când se tunde ia avionul de la Londra la Moscova, pentru că buclele făcute de ruși sunt inegalabile.

Se plimbă cu propriul Ferrari, merge doar în vacanţe exotice şi nu se uită la bani atunci când vine vorba de confortul ei.

An image from Julia Stakhiva's Instagram account showing her lavish lifestyle. The 23-year-old rich kid takes a plane from London to Moscow every time she wants a haircut. British student, Julia Stakhiva spends over £200,000 per year on designer clothes, got her first Louis Vuitton handbag at age nine and has been having fillers and lip injections since she was eighteen. Julia, from Kensington, London, also hires an assistant to make sure she doesnít get too drunk on nights out. Her lavish lifestyle is funded by her ìvery supportive parentsî who fully back Julia in her quest to improve herself and her looks. Above all else, Julia likes spending her parentsí millions on looking beautiful. She splurges over £30,000 per year on lip injections, facial fillers, cheek reduction surgery, a brow lift, semi-permanent make-up, teeth whitening, lash extensions and cutting-edge hair treatments ñ including painful injections into her scalp to maintain her shiny locks. In total, she has spent over £180,500 on cosmetic procedures. And is even planning a £20K boob job this year. Ö SEE COPY Ö PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA Ö +44 (0)121 517 0019 Ö AGREE RATES BEFORE USAGE

Cu toate astea, Julia Stakhiva nu se consideră deloc „răsfăţată” de părinţii săi extrem de bogaţi.
Tânăra duce o viaţă extravagantă și nu-și refuză nicio plăcere.

„Părinţii mei mi-au cumpărat prima geantă Louis Vouitton când am împlinit vârsta de 9 ani. Ştiu să trăiesc doar în lux, iar ai mei au avut grijă mereu să îmi ofere ce e mai bun. Oamenii cred că sunt o răsfăţată, însă doar m-am născut într-o familie bogată. Nu e vina mea!”, a povestit tânăra pentru revista Closer.

Povestea Juliei a devenit cunoscută în lumea întreagă după reportajul difuzat de postul Channel 4, intitulat „Copiii bogaţi ai Instagramului”.

Julia Stakhiva, 23, a Rich Kid of Instagram seen here outside her home in Kensington, London, Thursday 10th March, 2016. The 23-year-old rich kid takes a plane from London to Moscow every time she wants a haircut. British student, Julia Stakhiva spends over £200,000 per year on designer clothes, got her first Louis Vuitton handbag at age nine and has been having fillers and lip injections since she was eighteen. Julia, from Kensington, London, also hires an assistant to make sure she doesnít get too drunk on nights out. Her lavish lifestyle is funded by her ìvery supportive parentsî who fully back Julia in her quest to improve herself and her looks. Above all else, Julia likes spending her parentsí millions on looking beautiful. She splurges over £30,000 per year on lip injections, facial fillers, cheek reduction surgery, a brow lift, semi-permanent make-up, teeth whitening, lash extensions and cutting-edge hair treatments ñ including painful injections into her scalp to maintain her shiny locks. In total, she has spent over £180,500 on cosmetic procedures. And is even planning a £20K boob job this year. Ö SEE COPY Ö PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA Ö +44 (0)121 517 0019 Ö AGREE RATES BEFORE USAGE

Julia Stakhiva when she was 19-years-old. Julia Stakhiva spends over £200,000 per year on designer clothes, got her first Louis Vuitton handbag at age nine and has been having fillers and lip injections since she was eighteen. Julia, from Kensington, London, also hires an assistant to make sure she doesnít get too drunk on nights out. Her lavish lifestyle is funded by her ìvery supportive parentsî who fully back Julia in her quest to improve herself and her looks. Above all else, Julia likes spending her parentsí millions on looking beautiful. She splurges over £30,000 per year on lip injections, facial fillers, cheek reduction surgery, a brow lift, semi-permanent make-up, teeth whitening, lash extensions and cutting-edge hair treatments ñ including painful injections into her scalp to maintain her shiny locks. In total, she has spent over £180,500 on cosmetic procedures. And is even planning a £20K boob job this year. Ö SEE COPY Ö PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA Ö +44 (0)121 517 0019 Ö AGREE RATES BEFORE USAGE

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Julia Stakhiva, 23, a Rich Kid of Instagram seen here with her expensive designer accessories. The 23-year-old rich kid takes a plane from London to Moscow every time she wants a haircut. British student, Julia Stakhiva spends over £200,000 per year on designer clothes, got her first Louis Vuitton handbag at age nine and has been having fillers and lip injections since she was eighteen. Julia, from Kensington, London, also hires an assistant to make sure she doesnít get too drunk on nights out. Her lavish lifestyle is funded by her ìvery supportive parentsî who fully back Julia in her quest to improve herself and her looks. Above all else, Julia likes spending her parentsí millions on looking beautiful. She splurges over £30,000 per year on lip injections, facial fillers, cheek reduction surgery, a brow lift, semi-permanent make-up, teeth whitening, lash extensions and cutting-edge hair treatments ñ including painful injections into her scalp to maintain her shiny locks. In total, she has spent over £180,500 on cosmetic procedures. And is even planning a £20K boob job this year. Ö SEE COPY Ö PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA Ö +44 (0)121 517 0019 Ö AGREE RATES BEFORE USAGE

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  1. Just because you were born in a rich family doesn’t absolutely mean you have to make abuse of that wealth, biatch!


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