ȘOCANT/ O CONCURENTĂ la titlul de Miss A MURIT din cauza unei INJECȚII care trebuia S-O SCAPE DE RIDURI (FOTO). Cum SE APĂRĂ medicul care A REALIZAT PROCEDURA!

ȘOCANT/ O CONCURENTĂ la titlul de Miss A MURIT din cauza unei INJECȚII care trebuia S-O SCAPE DE RIDURI (FOTO). Cum SE APĂRĂ medicul care A REALIZAT PROCEDURA!

O tânără de 28 de ani, finalistă a concursului „Musa de Brasil”, a murit în noaptea de luni spre marți la Niteroi, în apropiere de Rio, în urma unui atac de cord, după o injecţie care trebuia s-o scape de ridurile de expresie.

Raquel dos Santos (FOTO) era, potrivit prietenilor ei, obsedată de felul în care arăta și pentru a fi mereu în formă era dispusă la orice sacrificiu.

Medicul care a realizat procedura cosmetică ce a dus la moartea tinerei, Wagner Moraes, a declarat că victima era „o bombă cu ceas”, deoarece lua anabolizante pentru cai şi fuma foarte mult.

„A minţit, negând că foloseşte medicamente pentru animale. Era o bombă cu ceas şi eu nu ştiam. În plus, potrivit mamei ei, fuma trei pachete de ţigări pe zi, de 10 ani. Autopsia va dovedi că sunt nevinovat ”, a precizat medicul.

Data depunerii raportului final al autopsiei nu a fost dezvăluită încă, însă, potrivit rezultatelor preliminare, autopsia nu a evidenţiat o legătură între moartea tinerei și consumul de tutun sau ingerarea vreunui tip de medicament.

„În doi ani, am realizat această intervenţie la aproximativ 2.000 de femei şi nu am avut niciodată vreo problemă”, s-a apărat medicul.

Ordinul medicilor din Rio a dat asigurări că medicul Moreaes „nu deţinea o diplomă care să îi ateste specializarea”, deşi potrivit presei locale, această condiţie nu este obligatorie pentru a practica acest tip de procedură.

matt.roper@me.com By Matt Roper A runner-up in one of Brazil's biggest beauty pageants has died after undergoing cosmetic surgery to remove 'laugh lines', it was reported today (wed). Friends of model Raquel Santos told how she was terrified of dying during plastic surgery but was a "slave to vanity" who submitted herself to "every procedure imaginable". The 28-year-old, who was a finalist in the popular Musa do Brasil competition in December, suffered a cardiac arrest following the procedure on Monday (11) in which fillers were injected into her face. However police are now investigating whether her reportedly daily use of an illegal horse medicine, which she injected before workouts, might have contributed to her death. The Potenay drug, which contains mefentermine, a cardio-respiratory stimulant, is increasing used in Brazil by bodybuilders for muscle gain, but also raises users' blood pressure. Yesterday (tues) police reportedly interrupted the funeral of Ms Santos, near her home in Sao Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, and took her body away for further examination after claims the model's death certificate had been wrongly completed. Miss Santos' best friend Debora Azevedo told Brazil's G1 website how the model, who leaves behind two sons aged seven and 13, was "obsessed" with cosmetic surgery. She said: "She was very concerned about her looks. She would go off and have procedures without telling her friends so we wouldn't fight with her. "She was terrified of dying during surgery. But she did it anyway, that was how much she was obsessed with looking good. And she did every aesthetic procedure imaginable, from artificial tans to lymphatic drainage. "She was so vain. She worked out religiously, she was as addicted to working out as she was to plastic surgery." Her boyfriend Gilberto Azevedo said her quest for beauty was unnecessary and dangerous. He said: "She was fascinated by it all, carnival, working out, and she always wanted more. I thought that she, ugly or beautiful, was fine as she was. But she always wanted more, unnecessarily. "She smoked a lot and injected Potenay before going to the gym. "She was a very happy person, friendly and full of dreams. All she ever wanted to do was become a model." Plastic surgeon Wagner Moraes, who conducted the "laugh lines" correction on Ms Santos, insisted the procedure wasn't responsible for her death. He said: "It was a simple procedure which lasted two minutes. The big problem is that she was already suffering health complications, applying Potenay to her body every day, including on the day of the surgery." ends

matt.roper@me.com By Matt Roper A runner-up in one of Brazil's biggest beauty pageants has died after undergoing cosmetic surgery to remove 'laugh lines', it was reported today (wed). Friends of model Raquel Santos told how she was terrified of dying during plastic surgery but was a "slave to vanity" who submitted herself to "every procedure imaginable". The 28-year-old, who was a finalist in the popular Musa do Brasil competition in December, suffered a cardiac arrest following the procedure on Monday (11) in which fillers were injected into her face. However police are now investigating whether her reportedly daily use of an illegal horse medicine, which she injected before workouts, might have contributed to her death. The Potenay drug, which contains mefentermine, a cardio-respiratory stimulant, is increasing used in Brazil by bodybuilders for muscle gain, but also raises users' blood pressure. Yesterday (tues) police reportedly interrupted the funeral of Ms Santos, near her home in Sao Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, and took her body away for further examination after claims the model's death certificate had been wrongly completed. Miss Santos' best friend Debora Azevedo told Brazil's G1 website how the model, who leaves behind two sons aged seven and 13, was "obsessed" with cosmetic surgery. She said: "She was very concerned about her looks. She would go off and have procedures without telling her friends so we wouldn't fight with her. "She was terrified of dying during surgery. But she did it anyway, that was how much she was obsessed with looking good. And she did every aesthetic procedure imaginable, from artificial tans to lymphatic drainage. "She was so vain. She worked out religiously, she was as addicted to working out as she was to plastic surgery." Her boyfriend Gilberto Azevedo said her quest for beauty was unnecessary and dangerous. He said: "She was fascinated by it all, carnival, working out, and she always wanted more. I thought that she, ugly or beautiful, was fine as she was. But she always wanted more, unnecessarily. "She smoked a lot and injected Potenay before going to the gym. "She was a very happy person, friendly and full of dreams. All she ever wanted to do was become a model." Plastic surgeon Wagner Moraes, who conducted the "laugh lines" correction on Ms Santos, insisted the procedure wasn't responsible for her death. He said: "It was a simple procedure which lasted two minutes. The big problem is that she was already suffering health complications, applying Potenay to her body every day, including on the day of the surgery." ends

Raquel dos Santos

Sursa: independent.co.uk

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