A murit în ACCIDENT DE MAȘINĂ. După 3 ani, familia l-a găsit ÎN FAȚA PROPRIULUI MORMÂNT

A murit în ACCIDENT DE MAȘINĂ. După 3 ani, familia l-a găsit ÎN FAȚA PROPRIULUI MORMÂNT

Membrii familiei unui bărbat au avut parte de șocul vieții lor când, la trei ani după ce l-au înmormântat, l-au găsit pe acesta chiar în fața propriului mormânt.

Ma Jixiang a dispărut în 2009 de acasă și trei ani mai târziu a fost declarat mort – în urma unui grav accident de circulație – și incinerat.

După alți 3 ani, însă, omul s-a întors acasă. Rudele l-au găsit, anul trecut, chiar în fața propriului mormânt.

Se pare că analizele ADN de la locul accidentului fuseseră greșite, iar familia incinerase pe altcineva. Explicațiile autoritățile au fost, evident, tardive.

În ultimii ani, Ma Jixiang, care suferea de probleme psihice, a fost forțat să lucreze într-o fabrică ilegală, după care a fost eliberat pe străzile orașului Hengan și lăsat să se plimbe în voie.

Pic shows: A tomb made for Ma Jixiang by his family.nnA Chinese man who was thought to have died and who was then buried by his family members has turned up alive after four years.nnMa Jixiang, reportedly mentally disabled, first disappeared from his hometown in 2009 and was later thought to be the victim of a fatal car crash, following a DNA test that was not 100 percent conclusive.nnThe family and siblings of the 59-year-old in Xiangtan, a prefecture-level city in Central China¿s Hunan Province, were informed of his apparent death after traffic police telephoned the home bearing the saddening news in 2012.nnReports said the DNA test was carried out on the body found at the crash in neighbouring Hengyang City, with a forensic science institution in provincial capital of Changsha believing that was a high probability that the body belonged to Ma.nnHis family buried the remains of the person who they assumed was their brother, and even built a massive tomb for him on the mountainside by their home.nnBut four years later Ma turned up alive, homeless and abandoned.nnReports said that after Ma wandered away from home he was kidnapped and held captive in Hengyang, forced to work at an illegal brick factory.nnAfter his captors deemed him too old and too weak to work, he was cast out onto the streets, where he survived and was later found by chance by local Hengyang policemen.nnMa has since been reunited with his family and even visited his own grave.nnHe is now being kept at a nursery home.nnBut police are now not sure who really died in the traffic accident four years ago.nnReports quoted Ma¿s family as saying they were concerned for the real family of the victim, as he is "in another world without his own name."nn(ends)n

Pic shows: Ma Jixiang.nnA Chinese man who was thought to have died and who was then buried by his family members has turned up alive after four years.nnMa Jixiang, reportedly mentally disabled, first disappeared from his hometown in 2009 and was later thought to be the victim of a fatal car crash, following a DNA test that was not 100 percent conclusive.nnThe family and siblings of the 59-year-old in Xiangtan, a prefecture-level city in Central China¿s Hunan Province, were informed of his apparent death after traffic police telephoned the home bearing the saddening news in 2012.nnReports said the DNA test was carried out on the body found at the crash in neighbouring Hengyang City, with a forensic science institution in provincial capital of Changsha believing that was a high probability that the body belonged to Ma.nnHis family buried the remains of the person who they assumed was their brother, and even built a massive tomb for him on the mountainside by their home.nnBut four years later Ma turned up alive, homeless and abandoned.nnReports said that after Ma wandered away from home he was kidnapped and held captive in Hengyang, forced to work at an illegal brick factory.nnAfter his captors deemed him too old and too weak to work, he was cast out onto the streets, where he survived and was later found by chance by local Hengyang policemen.nnMa has since been reunited with his family and even visited his own grave.nnHe is now being kept at a nursery home.nnBut police are now not sure who really died in the traffic accident four years ago.nnReports quoted Ma¿s family as saying they were concerned for the real family of the victim, as he is "in another world without his own name."nn(ends)n

Sursa: metro.co.uk


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